Corporate Social Responsibility

Doctors without borders

Humanitarian organization: help people threatened by armed conflicts, violence, epidemics or neglected diseases, natural disasters and excluded from access to health care. Humanitarian action is a gesture of solidarity from society to society, from person to person, whose goal is to preserve life and alleviate the suffering of other human beings: this is their raison d’être.

It owes its financial independence to the more than six million individuals and private entities who are MSF’s partners worldwide. MSF does not aspire to transform a society, but to enable the overcoming of a critical period.

Help in action

It is a nonpartisan and nonreligious NGO that fights poverty and inequality. They promote dignity and solidarity for the construction of a righteous world.

It has over 38 years of history. It operates in 20 countries in Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe, including Spain and Portugal. In addition to these, the NGO is planning its presence in 3 more new countries. In total, the organization supports more than 1.4 million people.

Ditunga Project

“Proyecto Ditunga” (PRODI) is a non-profit association governed by Congolese law, founded in 2006. It is the result of a dynamic of social services initiated in 2004, thanks to national and international cooperation, in the community of Mpyana and in certain communities in rural Ngandanjika.

Promotes associative life, agriculture, breeding and environmental protection; schooling for children and continuing education for adults; women’s social and economic culture and independence; nutrition, health and hygiene; and, of course, human rights and a democratic culture.

Children’s villages

“No child has born to grow up alone.”
They help vulnerable children and young people, promote their development and autonomy, and foster the creation of protective family environments, strengthening their family, social and community networks.

It is present in 136 countries and finance different family protection and strengthening programs in 8 countries in Latin America and 3 in Africa, through Spain.
It contributes to the achievement of five fundamental objectives: the end of poverty, the reduction of inequality, peace and justice, quality in education and decency at work.

Gambia Alias

Association that promotes the improvement of life of the Gambians, through the construction of schools and hospitals, ensuring access to food, hygiene and health care services. Alias Gambia develops, thanks to the selfless help of individuals, entities and companies, a great work that pursues injustice and seeks to provide a dignified life.


LGTB+ Collective of Madrid has been working for more than 30 years for the equality of LGTB+ people. It is one of the founding entities of the Federación Estatal de Lesbianas Gais Transexuales y Bisexuales (FELGTB) and one of the promoters from the beginning of equal marriage in Spain. In addition, COGAM develops numerous projects to raise awareness and make visible the diversity of the LGTB+ community. Among others, they provide rapid HIV testing, give talks in high schools on sexual and gender diversity and have an information service for the LGTB+ community, psychological and legal advice, socialization groups, etc.